Hi my name is Mimi and I’m a yarn addict!

Q:  When you purchase yarn, do you have a project in mind, or do you buy on impulse and save the yarn to use whenever the need arises? 

A: I purchase yarn whenever I can however,  I usually stick with Simply Soft these days because I’m making granny square blankets!  Although Red Heart has the Super Saver brand, I feel it’s a little rough to work with and drys out my hands when working on big projects such as a blanket.  I also feel the quality of the final product feels more comfortable to against a baby’s skin or when I’m lounging on the couch with my blanket!  It is a little harder to work with from time to time because my hook doesn’t catch the yarn fully and I miss one strand of the four, causing it to look messy.  I usually catch those as I’m working the row and take out the yarn and re-do the part that is messy.

Q:  Are you a yarn hoarder, who buys on impulse just because the yarn was too luscious to put down? Or are you a practical yarnie who only buys what is needed for specific projects?

When I first started buying yarn I would buy multiple colors all in one purchase.  Later I realized you usually need two or more of each color to finish a project depending on how big the blanket I’m making is going to be.  It sucks to have to go back to the store and buy another skein of the same color because the die lots tend to vary from time to time and you end up with two colors instead of one.

Q:  Is there yarn bagged, boxed, stored, shelved all over your house? Or is it neatly piled away in as few storage containers as possible?

I have two bags of yarn I was given that I don’t want to use because there is only one skein of each color and you can only make a weird multicolored 70’s inspired blanket with the colors I have.  The yarn I use for random projects I have stored in portable plastic drawer units you can buy at Michael’s, Walmart, Target, etc.  I on the other hand, saw a guy with a big work truck filled to the brim of stuff one day at QuickStop in Pacifica.  I saw the units and asked him if he was going to dump them.  He said he’d missed the dumps by 5 minutes and was bringing them tomorrow.  I asked if he would mind following me to my house and letting me have them for free. I told him I crochet and it would be perfect to store my yarn in.  He agreed and he helped me unload them.  They came from a storage unit in Pacifica.  The lady was moving to Florida with her husband and she just wanted to dump everything and start over new!  Lucky Mimi!

Q:  Are you addicted, or can you quit at anytime? Inquiring crochet minds want to know!

YES, I am addicted.  NO, I cannot quite at anytime!  There is always something new my friends on Facebook are forwarding me!  They never wanna purchase the products so, I just stick to my granny square blankets because I crochet for a living currently and don’t have time to make small projects on the side no one will want in the end.  Plus, I’d have to use the yarn from my stash which I might need on a future product!   I’ve made everything from crocheted hoop earrings with sports teams colors and the correct sports ball as a center bead, to purses, scarves, blankets and beanies of all types.  I love making character beanies they just cost more to the customer because they are a lot more work then just a basic beanie!





Question Credit:  http://stitchstirrers.wordpress.com/2007/10/28/prompt-yarrrrrrrrn/

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